I create goddesses, ritual objects, and altar pieces for devotion and connection. Inspired by the Great Cosmic Mother, Nature, and the Divine Feminine, each piece is unique and handmade with intention.
My work reflects my fascination with ceremony and the special items we keep and hold dear; it is an expression of a lifetime of treasure hunting and collecting precious things. I am captivated by the stories objects hold for us and the emotions we connect to through the memories, hopes, and dreams they represent. In this way, I believe we connect to our intuition, collective wisdom, and to our ancestors.
Inspired by the concept of ancestral healing and the collective histories of women and femmes, I make objects that inspire joy and celebrate the power of love and community. I believe that we are supported by the energy of the women that have come before us and my work is intended to represent and facilitate that connection.
These Goddesses are created to be your cheerleaders, to bring love and reflect your light. They are a colourful, playful channel for the hopes and wishes of our inner lives and for the everyday. They are modern female mother/sister power objects made to help us draw on our own nature, self belief, tradition and personal magic in all its forms.
The Goddess is original, she has always been with us. She is unearthed, hidden, rediscovered, forgotten, transformed, reinvented, feared, cherished, enduring and evolving. My Goddesses are a continuation and celebration of the legacy of the Goddess in ourselves and in her many forms and cultures.